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Morgan Williams: Why She Needs Feminism


Photo courtesy of: Morgan Williams

Continuing yesterdays blog post, one of FemiNotes readers contributes to the" I Need Feminism Because ..." movement by talking about a few reasons why she needs feminism.

Morgan Williams, an avid reader of FemiNotes and a fellow feminist herself, says she needs feminism because her apperance should not dictate her worth and because she should be allowed to decide what happens to her own body. She also tells us that she needs feminism because she is sick of feeling like her worth is based on how "vivacious" her curves are. She leaves our readers with a resounding messqge that dictates that she is far more than what the media says she is.To the world, her message was clear: "I'm a human being. Treat me like one."

You can contribute to the movement just like Morgan did by submitting your responses here.

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