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A Review of "This Bridge Called My BacK"


In a previous FemiNotes blog post, I hinted at the movement that is intersectionality. The previous post provided a basis for further reading and insight into the movement that is intersectional feminism. However, "This Bridge Called My Back" edited by Cherrie Moraga and Gloria Anzaldua, written years ago and then revamped as of late, provides a far more in-depth look into not only the interactions of men and women but the interactions between women. Bridge provides an insightful look into how the different waves of feminism have addressed the struggles of women of color across the world.

The second edition of Bridge, states that "if we are interested in building a movement that will not will not constantly be subverted by internal differences, then we must build from the insideout, not the other way around." Simply put: this book showcases the differences in cultures, status, race, and ethnicity across borders and how these differences affect our experiences as women. Yet, it does not attempt to further isolate groups but to give those who are often neglected a voice in the movement.

Bridge, states that "we have got to know each other better to teach each other our ways, our views ... and get the work done." In other words, this book tells those who are feminists and those who aren't, that in order to make any kind of progress, especially that which encompasses social change, we must recognize our differences as a people. We must realize that we are not all the same, that we all come from different backgrounds and lifestyles but that these differences should not and can not create chasms between us. But instead, become an incentive to get to know one another, to familiarize with our fellow men, woman, and ultimately, those who we don't regard as similar to ourselves. There is a common unity in our differences and we must locate them and recognize this inherent fact to become a more open, accepting, and progressive global community.

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