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Why Feminism Isn’t Called Humanism

1.) For the same reason the Civil Rights Movement was not called the Human Rights Movement

Just as the Civil Rights Movement was not just about black people, the feminist movement is not just about women.

Despite common and often misguided conceptions, feminism is about far more than just simply the promotion and advocacy of equality for women. Feminism is about tearing down systems of oppression that prevent the progression and advancement of women who are, shockingly, people too. However, this end goal does not mean that feminism aims to gain an unfair advantage over men but to instead create an even leveled playing field for all genders.

2.) Because women are the oppressed and underprivileged gender

To use an analogy that I’m quite fond of: think of two people. Now one of these people is thirsty, they have not had anything to drink in a few days. Now imagine the other person, this person is about to die of dehydration. They are on the brink of death and need water as soon as possible or they will inevitably die. You have one glass of water. Would you give half of the water to both of these individuals or give all of the water to the person who is in need of it the most?

Hopefully, you chose the latter option. The purpose of this analogy was to draw a parallel between the scenario aforementioned and the present reality that we live in now. In our society, across the globe, women are in dire need of a voice. But they’re throats are parched and they have no way to speak up or out. That’s where feminism comes in. Feminism, is (sticking to the previous analogy) the glass of water that women have been searching for for so long. But providing them with the ability to speak up does not mean that men will in turn be silenced. It instead means that all genders will now have equal opportunity to have their voices heard. Because in order to actually achieve gender equality is through helping the gender who is in need of the most help. In this case, that gender would be women.

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