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What is the Patriarchy?

One of feminisms main goals is to dismantle and destroy the patriarchy. But what is the patriarchy?

Now, Wikipedia tells us that patriarchy is a social system in which males hold primary power. Perhaps this is one of the very few times that we can use Wikipedia as a source because for once it is, for the most part, correct.

Ultimately the patriarchy, is a system in which males dominate aspects of society that include but are not limited to: the government, the common household, the economy, politics and so on and so forth.

The patriarchy shows itself through common phrases like “Women belong at home” and even “Boys don’t cry”. It can be seen in concepts that dictate that women are the inferior gender, that they are weaker both physically and mentally, that men must dominate and women must submit, and that women should always be feminine and men should always be masculine.

The patriarchy contributes to gender norms and stereotypes that inhibit the growth and maturity of both women and men. It does this by establishing roles that the genders must fit into or risk being ridiculed and criticized. Most people may assume that the patriarchy only harms women but that is far from the case. Thee patriarchy hurts all genders in a variety of ways. It prevents them from developing their own unique identities, from pursuing their dreams, and from truly being themselves. By supporting the patriarchy we tell men they can’t be nurses or stay-at home parents, and that they can’t cry or be sensitive. We tell women that they can’t be single, the breadwinners of their households, and that they can’t be mechanics or strong.

With feminism, however, we can destroy the patriarchy by giving back people an inherent right: the ability to be autonomous.

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